UV Water Sterilizers
UV Air Sterilizers
UV Surface Sterilizers
UV lamps
Quartz Tubes
Electronic Ballasts
UV Accessories
UV Sterilizers
UV Water Sterilizers
UV Air Sterilizers
UV Surface Sterilizers
UV lamps
Quartz Tubes
Electronic Ballasts
UV Accessories
About us
We offer custom-made solutions for the disinfection of multiple environments.
Case studies
April 13, 2022
Why is it important to have a properly validated UV water disinfection system?
UV light, especially in the wavelength range of 200-280 nm, is well documented to provide excellent water disinfection. So, with the technology seen to...
March 01, 2022
Importance of UV in Aquaculture
Fish farming is expected to continue growing at a rate of 5% per year over the next decade. Businesses ranging from Marine Harvest, the largest salmon...
February 23, 2022
Need Spare Parts? OEM is the way to go
Ultraviolet (UV) systems for disinfecting water comprise several crucial parts that keep them running at optimum performance. Equipment maintenance documents...
January 21, 2022
Storage Tank Disinfection
The most difficult aspect of preserving fluids from storage tanks involves preventing mold and biofilm formation. These conditions are ideal for microorganisms...
December 09, 2021
UV Disinfection in Food & Beverage industry
Food sterilization with UV light is a procedure known as irradiation, which, despite the name, does not add radiation to food or render it radioactive...
Case studies
November 09, 2021
Air disinfection by direct irradiation of upper-layer
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, or UVGI, is the use of ultraviolet (UV) energy to inactivate viral, bacterial, and fungal organisms. UVGI fixtures...
November 05, 2021
Air disinfection by direct irradiation of upper-layer
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, or UVGI, is the use of ultraviolet (UV) energy to inactivate viral, bacterial, and fungal organisms. UVGI fixtures...
October 02, 2021
Sick Building Syndrome and Well Building Standard
Let's immediately clarify our ideas, with the terminology "sick" we don't mean the building, but the people who reside there. Many case studies reveals...
September 01, 2021
TIOX Filter - What is it and how it works?
TIOX® is the special filter that works in combination with UV-C rays, designed and developed by LightProgress Research&Department. It's a nano-structured...
August 01, 2021
Water disinfection - Swiming pools and leisure
UV is highly effective at killing any bacteria, viruses or moulds in the water, including Cryptosporidium and its spores, which are chlorine-resistant....
July 13, 2021
UV-C Lamps Overview
UV-C lamps (also known by the name of: germicidal lamps) are low-pressure, mercury/rare gas discharge devices similar to fluorescent lamps. This is true...
June 02, 2021
What is UV Transmittance (UVT) and why is it important to know?
When giving a solution, we make sure that all the three key parameters like UV Dose, Flow rate and UV Transmittance (UVT) are known. This way we can assure...
November 01, 2020
Air conditioning UV-C disinfection systems
Indoor Air Quality is usually more toxic than the one we breathe in an industrial city.Do you know why? Dangerous microorganisms, proliferate inside air...
October 21, 2020
Why do we treat water with UV-C rays?
The drinking water treatments are designed to make the water comply with the requirements for drinking water, improving the aspects: organoleptic...
September 22, 2020
UV-FAN-M2 for air disinfection
Indoor air quality is a very important value, in fact most of the inhabitants of the planet spend most of their days locked indoors, without access to...
Case studies
September 22, 2020
UV-FAN-M2 for air disinfection
Indoor air quality is a very important value, in fact most of the inhabitants of the planet spend most of their days locked indoors, without access to...
August 27, 2020
What are the areas of use for UV rays?
There are no limits to the possible applications of UV-C rays, however specific skills are required to use this technology in an adequate way, obtaining...
Case studies
August 07, 2020
What are the areas of use for UV rays?
There are no limits to the possible applications of UV-C rays, however specific skills are required to use this technology in an adequate way, obtaining...
June 02, 2020
Healthy and clean air!
Air disinfection inside community structures (schools, hospitals, offices) is very important, this allows to avoid the spread of viruses and microbes...
April 14, 2020
UVC disinfection against viruses
The current pandemic with the SARS-CoV-2 virus shows how important hygiene measures are to avoid its spread. But despite all the rules, noteverything...
March 04, 2020
UV in professional kitchens - elimination of fats and odor control
Keeping the hood clean and hygienic allows you to prevent and eliminate the annoying efficiency problems of the entire ventilation system and at the same...
February 24, 2020
The importance of disinfecting stethoscopes
The importance of hospital disinfection for controling the spreading of infections UV light exposure is a disinfection process without chemical substances...
Case studies
February 24, 2020
The importance of disinfecting stethoscopes
The importance of hospital disinfection for controling the spreading of infections UV light exposure is a disinfection process without chemical substances...